Cloud-native backup & restore for Google BigQuery

Unlock 1-click backups and granular restore for BiqQuery data with HYCU. Automated “set and forget” backups run 24x7 for complete peace of mind that your data in BigQuery will be available when you need it.


Rest easy with secure, automated backup and granular, 1-click restore for BigQuery

As a Google BigQuery user, you have first-hand knowledge of the impact of choosing a modern, scalable data warehouse. Why should your choice in backup and recovery be any different?

The only native-built backup and restore service for Google BigQuery

Immutable, ransomware-proof backups help you minimize data loss and downtime

Decrease complexity with a single SaaS service that integrates data protection across your entire Google Cloud environment.

Click on the image below to take a virtual tour


Simple, effective backup & restore that was built natively for Google BigQuery

Simple, automated backups, set up in minutes

  • Automated “set and forget” backups and on-demand, single-click backups
  • Archive snapshots into Google Cloud Object Storage with a single click
  • Built-in, easily customizable policies to meet your compliance and retention goals

HYCU R-Graph, a network map of all your SaaS backup and protection status.

Reliable, granular restore options – Restore a single dataset oran entire instance

  • Rapid, granular restore of a single dataset in just a click
  • Restore BigQuery datasets upon accidental or malicious deletions beyond native Time Travel (7 days)
  • RPO and RTO policy dashboard and reporting for simple monitoring and management
HYCU Protégé for SaaS applications backup and recovery live status dashboard with a graph of applications by team, backup policies, targets, and pie charts of recoverable items.

One service to see, manage and protect all Google Cloud workloads

  • Manage backup & restore for your entire Google estate from one interface
  • Integrated protection for Google Compute Engine, Google CloudSQL, Google BigQuery, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud VMware Engine and even Google Workspace
HYCU Protégé Backup for SaaS policy table with compliance, protection, and discovery status markers.

Try HYCU for Google BigQuery <gradient-text>for free<gradient-text>

  • 1-click, granular restore
  • Automated ‘set and forget’ backups
  • 24/7 notifications, reporting and logging

Get in touch now!

I agree to the HYCU Subscription Agreement, Terms of Usage and Privacy Policy.

Protégé User Interface

Try HYCU for Google BigQuery <gradient-text>for free<gradient-text>

  • 1-click, granular restore
  • Automated ‘set and forget’ backups
  • 24/7 notifications, reporting and logging

Create your account.