#Team Purple
4 min read

Why Culture is So Important at HYCU

Hear from HYCU employees on why culture is so important at HYCU.

Written by
Tanja Peric 
Published on
November 10, 2022
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Company culture can be defined as “a set of shared values, goals, attitudes and practices that characterize an organization.”

In most cases, a company’s culture influences results from top to bottom. This also includes cultivating camaraderie among employees and peers.

Having a strong and clearly defined company culture offers substantial benefits for employers and employees alike. Some of which are obvious, a good company culture can foster efficiency and ultimately happy employees. Both strategy and culture are among the fundamental priorities that effective leaders need to maintain for organizational viability and effectiveness. People who feel closely aligned with their company’s culture are more likely to feel comfortable and appreciated in the workplace with a stronger sense of belonging.

According to a recent blog by TeamStage, “Company Culture Statistics: Leadership and Engagement in 2022,” having highly engaged employees can lead to a 202% increase in performance.

And what is leadership’s role? As TeamStage noted, team leaders have the highest impact on company culture.

At HYCU, our culture has been the core and foundation for what we do day-in and day-out for our colleagues, customers and partners. So much so in fact, we asked members of our global team, “why is culture so important at HYCU?” This is what they had to say:

“Culture is so important because it makes the whole company feel like a family.” Miran Fučka, VP of Engineering in Engineering

“HYCU culture is so important because it is what drives the company.” Primož Milič, Director of Quality Assurance in Engineering
Culture is important because it is what binds us together and gets us all going in the same direction.” Antal Nemeš, Principal Architect in Engineering

“HYCU’s culture is important because it defines us as who we are as a company.” Shreesha Pai Manoor, VP of Customer Success in Sales – Customer Experience

“Culture is so important because it lets you be who you are and lets you contribute in your own way, making your opportunities a reality.” Marko Ljubanović, Director of Sales Engineering in Sales – Customer Experience

“Culture is everything. You can have a vision, and you can have the right plan for your products, but if you don’t have an environment that facilities innovation, that facilitates collaboration it won’t happen. HYCU’s culture and founding principles of authenticity, grit, and empathy are what makes that vision and brand iconic.” Andy Fernandez, Director, Product Marketing in Product

“What makes culture so important to me is the people. Every day the people that I am surrounded with are open to communication and working together as a team.” Mila Savičević, Territory Sales Manager in Sales

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast. You can have a great strategy, but if you don’t have a fantastic culture to back it up, you’re not going to go anywhere.” Kim King, Senior Director, Product Marketing in Product

Culture is so important because it defines HYCU and makes it what it is.” Žarko Kostić, Director of Finance HYCU in General and Administration

“Culture is important because it defines the way we tick, the way we do things, and allows us to achieve the greatness we strive to be.” Damir Dedić, Senior Lead Engineer in Engineering

“Culture is so important to me because it is people working with and for people.” Gaber Marušič, Director of Engineering in Engineering

Culture is important because it acts like a glue keeping us together and pushing us towards fulfilling our ambitions.” Ivan Milijić, Senior Lead Engineer in Engineering

“Why is culture so important? Because I have the opportunity to work with amazing people every day.” Nikola Antić,Manager of Global BDR in Sales

“HYCU culture is so important because of the energy it gives to the team for better cooperation and development of the great products we are working on.” Iztok Jug, Director of Engineering in Engineering

“HYCU culture is so important because we are authentic, and it makes us who we are.” Say Singhavong, Channel Director, U.S. Federal in Sales

“Culture Is very important because it is about the people. It is about how we work together at HYCU and how we decide to deliver our product to our customers with grit, empathy, and authenticity.” Christophe Absalon, System Engineer in Sales – Customer Experience

Our core values are AGEAuthenticity, Grit, and Empathy


We are who we are and we do it well. We focus our energy on being who WE are. We are true to ourselves. We understand where we are truly the best fit for our customers and when we are not. And, we are authentic in relationships: ensuring that we are honest and do what we say we’re going to do.


We want to win. Every team member jumps in and helps at every turn. Whether it’s staying late to help a colleague or customer or finding a better process and making sure it’s communicated cross-functionally. We just have to do it and love it…and never stop trying.


We care about each other, our clients, our business, and the world around us. It's a tall order, but if we don’t live in a constant state of empathy, or truly put ourselves in another person’s shoes, we cannot truly serve the market.

These core values drive our culture and are the North Star to which we all gravitate.

Want to be a part of #TeamPurple and set the direction for the future of multi- and hybrid cloud data protection? follow :@hycuinc and connect with HYCU on LinkedIn.

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Chief People Officer

Tanja Peric is the CPO at HYCU where she leads talent management and acquisition. She has more than 20 years' experience leading human resources and talent innovation at global companies. She is a Cotrugli Business School MBA graduate and has senior executive experience with leading companies such as Endava and Comtrade Group.

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