Happy Sysadmin day!

Tell Us Who Your Favorite SysAdmin Is

July 19, 2022

The day is coming! The day to say IT loud and say IT proud is approaching. What day you ask?

Arguably the most important day of all IT Appreciation Days, System Administrator Appreciation Day (#SysAdminDay.)

On Friday, July 29, 2022, we will be celebrating the 22nd recognition of SysAdmin Appreciation Day. It has become, as many have coined it, “the single greatest 24 hours on the planet.”

And, while we all know we couldn’t do half of what we do day-to-day without the help of someone who wears the SysAdmin hat, we want to do our part and say more than just “Thank You.” We want to celebrate not just our own amazing IT team and group of SysAdmins, but also any that you might recommend need consideration for recognition. Is there a SysAdmin you work with who you know needs more than just a quick, “Hey, Thanks?” Is there a SysAdmin in your family that could use a special shout out and a HYCU Thank You package? If so, we want to know who that person who needs recognition is!

How do you let us know who that special SysAdmin is in need of recognition? All you need to do is share the name along with a short reason why by DMing us on X or sharing a comment to our post on LinkedIn. Please note, brevity counts. That’s it. We’ll share the name of three lucky SysAdms selected at random.

It’s easy. No need to wait. Let us help you help your favorite System Administrator celebrate in style this #SysAdminDay. Remember, without the “heroic men and women who, come rain or shine, prevent disasters, keep IT secure and put out tech fires left, right” and center, half of what we all are able to do, day-to-day, wouldn’t be possible.

Shive Raja Headshot

Senior Director of Global Communications and PR

Don Jennings, Senior Director of Global Communications and PR at HYCU, Inc., is a seasoned communications executive with a career rooted in the enterprise IT space. Formerly a tech lead at an award-winning PR agency, Don excels at driving results and building strong relationships without resorting to games or annoying stakeholders. Passionate about storage, cloud, and data protection, and maintains robust connections with storage, IT, and enterprise software media and influencers.

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