Are You Ready To Recover From An Inevitable Ransomware Attack?

Ransomware Recovery Readiness offers critical insight into a company's level of risk as it relates to data protection.

Written by
Don Jennings
Published on
July 9, 2021
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No doubt you’ve seen the news about the recent ransomware attack targeting companies via a particular brand of software tools. This was just the latest in a series of “supply chain” attacks that have collectively impacted thousands of organizations in multiple countries with demands for millions in cryptocurrency ransoms to unlock their encrypted data. These attacks have become alarmingly common, highlighting the vulnerability of interconnected systems and the importance of robust cybersecurity measures.

Today, every business in every industry vertical is under threat—from banks and airlines to manufacturers, retail businesses, and healthcare providers. And we’re just seeing the tip of the proverbial iceberg, because many of these attacks go unreported by companies seeking to avoid negative publicity. This underreporting masks the true scale of the problem, making it seem less pervasive than it actually is. However, the reality is stark: it’s no longer a matter of if your organization will be impacted—it’s simply a matter of when. That’s why it’s so critical to focus on data recovery and have a solid plan in place to mitigate the effects of such attacks.

A critical data protection metric

But how do you know whether your backup and recovery infrastructure is up to the challenge? How prepared are you to recover your data in the event of a ransomware attack and avoid a costly business disruption? The key lies in understanding and evaluating your “Ransomware Recovery Readiness.” This readiness will help you determine where your protection strategy currently stands and identify areas for improvement. Your Ransomware Recovery Readiness offers critical insight into your level of risk as it relates to data protection.

Factors Influencing Ransomware Recovery Readiness

Sounds great, but what factors go into your Ransomware Recovery Readiness? Let’s start by thinking about the various elements that affect your data recovery readiness.

Backup number and frequency.

Ransomware attacks often occur over a period of time, so it’s important to have frequent backups to be able to recover from a variety of different attack scenarios. Regular backups ensure that you can restore your data to a point in time before the attack occurred.

Protected Backups.

It’s not about “hiding” your backups, but making sure your backups are stored in a way that is not susceptible to an attack. This might include using immutable storage or keeping offline copies.

Access to backup targets.

We’ve seen cases where organizations export their backup share to a bunch of people. Not a good idea, as this increases risk. Small mistakes like this can be very costly. Limiting access to backup targets to only those who need it minimizes the attack surface.

Safety of your backup service.

If your backup service is compromised, it won’t matter how well you’ve backed up your data. If you’re using a backup as a service (BaaS), you need to make sure it is safe and secure.

The same goes for the safety of the backup network over which your data is moving.

Monitoring your backups.

Sounds simple, yet it’s an often overlooked factor in data protection. Regular monitoring ensures that backups are completed successfully and that any issues are promptly addressed.

Assurance for the speed of recovery.

You need to be able to tell your business leaders they can be back up and running quickly, with a minimum of disruption. Because the longer your customers have to wait, the more damage to your company’s business and reputation. Testing your recovery process regularly can help ensure that it works as expected and meets your organization’s recovery time objectives (RTOs).

In my next blog post, I’ll offer some thoughts on how to rate your Ransomware Readiness Recovery Score and how to optimize your data protection infrastructure to address your score. Understanding your score is the first step toward making necessary improvements and ensuring that your organization is well-prepared for potential ransomware attacks.

In the meantime, if you would like to better understand how you can be best prepared in the event of a ransomware attack like several of our customers, reach out to us at

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Senior Director of Global Communications and PR

Don Jennings, Senior Director of Global Communications and PR at HYCU, Inc., is a seasoned communications executive with a career rooted in the enterprise IT space. Formerly a tech lead at an award-winning PR agency, Don excels at driving results and building strong relationships without resorting to games or annoying stakeholders. Passionate about storage, cloud, and data protection, and maintains robust connections with storage, IT, and enterprise software media and influencers.

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