Why It's Time to Retire Your Legacy Backup
Backup as a Service
Backup as a Service

Why It's Time to Retire Your Legacy Backup

October 21, 2022

Do you remember when backup was a simple process?

When backup windows weren’t a topic of conversation? Or completion rates? Or….you get the point. At one point in time, all your data lived on-premises and your internal IT team handled any issues that would pop up. Your data was being backed up per whatever SLA was established and that same internal IT team would recover it as needed.

Fast forward to today where data backup continues to remain a “top priority” for most organizations but is harder to achieve with data being created and distributed across highly complex ecosystems such as multi-cloud and hybrid environments.  And, when you add in SaaS apps, the picture gets even more complex.

As more and more organizations make the transition to hybrid and multi-cloud environments, data protection challenges mount. For some organizations, it doesn’t pay to live in the past, anchored with tired infrastructure and too reliant on legacy backup solutions that just can’t do the job.

In today’s always-on, always-available IT environments, data never sleeps. To avoid any risk of revenue loss and/or company reputation, services and applications need to run 24 hours a day, 7-days a week, 365-days a year.

And, with more than 150 data sources to protect and recover in an “average” size company, the new complexity challenge-data silo sprawl is getting WAY out of hand. Legacy protection solutions work by protecting individual data sources, but they do nothing to decrease the attack surface. They create more complexities, which often makes it more difficult for companies to protect their data and leaves them at a greater risk of being impacted by ransomware. So, what’s the solution?

It's Time to Retire your Legacy Backup

In a recently held webinar titled “Why it’s Time to Retire Your Legacy Backup”, HYCU’s own Alan Holmes takes an in-depth look at what a “true” backup-as-a-service (BaaS) solution looks like and as the title suggests, when and why it’s time to retire your legacy backup.
Here are Three- key takeaways from Alan’s presentation:

1. How to build a backup strategy that avoids the common problems associated with protecting today’s hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

  • More complexity and less visibility
  • Mixing public/private clouds and on-prem creates more points of failure
  • More silos make holistic hybrid cloud infrastructure visibility a struggle.
  • Limited cloud usage visibility top threat to cloud computing (Cloud Security Alliance).
  • Less control than ever before
  • IT and Security teams have less oversight over business-critical data and apps thanks to cloud SaaS.
  • A misunderstanding of the shared responsibility model can lead organizations to believe data is more secure and recoverable than it is.
  • Greater risks and threats than ever
  • Ransomware attacks happen every 11-seconds (although that number is expected to grow significantly over the next 10 years).
  • More complex environments make human error more likely.
  • The numbers behind the threat of ransomware.
  • 78 – The percentage of organizations that have been a victim of one or more successful cyberattacks this year.
  • 11 – The number of seconds between every successful ransomware attack in 2021.
  • 16 – The average number of days of downtime due to ransomware.
  • 7.5 – Cost to businesses of ransomware attacks in 2019, in billions of dollars. 

2. Selection criteria for BaaS in hybrid, multi-cloud environments.

What does a modern data protection solution look like? Cloud-native vs. legacy backups.

  • Delivered truly as-a-service
  • No more manual, error-prone install and maintenance.
  • 100% agentless.
  • Cloud-native, cloud-scale
  • No more sizing and configuring cloud backups.
  • Keep utilization and costs down.
  • Bringing complexity into compliance
  • Zero learning curve
  • Simplified architecture for better security outcomes.
  • Streamlined policies and security like IAM 

3. Tips on reducing your data protection TCO.

How BaaS helps lower data protection TCO?

  • Less downtime and resources
  • No more deployment, maintenance, and sizing exercises. Save more time with automated protection, app-consistent backups, and 1-click recovery.
  • Fewer tools
  • Bring your hybrid cloud backup into one platform. Plus, DR capabilities can reduce your reliance on those tools as well.
  • Ransomware ready
  • Reduce the likelihood of costly downtime and paying high ransoms.

Watch the full webinar: Why It's Time to Retire Your Legacy Backup.

Data anywhere, protected everywhere . . . How HYCU can help!
For many, it may start with hands-on experience. That’s where we can definitely help. When you sign up for a free trial of HYCU R-Cloud, you’ll unlock a simple, secure, and effective way to protect your private cloud environment.
Your trial gives you access to every data protection capability HYCU has to offer—from zero-impact backups to one-click restores, and easy data mobility.
Discover why thousands of companies are turning to a purpose-built data protection solution to simplify backup and recovery operations and safeguard against data loss and ransomware attacks.
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SVP of Product

Subbiah Sundaram is the SVP, Product at HYCU. Subbiah spearheads product management, product marketing, alliances, sales engineering, and customer success with more than 20 years' experience delivering best-in-class multi-cloud data protection and on-premises solutions. A Kellogg Management School MBA graduate, Subbiah has worked with leading companies such as EMC, NetApp, Veritas, BMC, CA, and DataGravity.

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