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Articulating the Value of Backup for Google Cloud Workloads

September 17, 2020

The Great Backup Debate: Snapshots vs. Comprehensive Data Protection

In the world of cloud computing and data management, one question consistently arises in conversations with IT professionals and business leaders:

"We backup with Google Snapshots, why do I need to use anything else to backup my Google Cloud workloads?"

This inquiry, while seemingly straightforward, opens up a complex discussion about data protection strategies, risk management, and operational efficiency in the cloud era. Today, we'll dive deep into this topic, exploring the limitations of relying solely on snapshots and the compelling reasons to consider a more comprehensive backup solution.

The Short Answer: Snapshots Are Not Backups

Before we delve into the details, it's crucial to establish a fundamental truth: snapshots, while useful, are not true backups. We've explored this concept in-depth in our previous article, "Why You Need Cloud-native Data Protection When You Have Snapshots." However, the importance of this distinction warrants further examination.

Three Pillars of Comprehensive Data Protection: Safety, Surety, and Savings

When discussing the need for robust backup solutions with decision-makers, it's helpful to frame the conversation around three key business benefits: Safety, Surety, and Savings. Let's explore each of these in detail.

1. Safety: Fortifying Your Data Against Modern Threats

Data security is paramount in today's digital landscape, where cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated. While snapshots offer a quick way to capture the state of your data at a specific point in time, they fall short in providing comprehensive protection against modern security challenges.

Ransomware: The Invisible EnemyOne of the most significant threats facing organizations today is ransomware. These malicious attacks can encrypt your data, rendering it inaccessible and potentially causing severe operational disruptions. Snapshots, being readily available resources within projects, are vulnerable to deletion if a project is compromised. This leaves your organization exposed to potential data loss and extortion attempts.

HYCU's Approach to Enhanced SecurityHYCU takes a more robust approach to data protection:

  • Centralized Storage: Backups are stored in a dedicated project, isolated from your primary operational environment.
  • Limited Access: The backup repository is accessible only through HYCU's service account, significantly reducing the attack surface.
  • WORM and Retention Lock: Write Once Read Many (WORM) technology and retention locks ensure that backed-up data cannot be altered or deleted, even by administrators, for a specified period.
  • Immutable Backups: This feature provides an additional layer of protection against ransomware by ensuring that backup data cannot be modified or deleted during the retention period.

The value of this enhanced protection cannot be overstated. In the event of a ransomware attack, having secure, immutable backups can be the difference between a minor inconvenience and a major catastrophe. It eliminates the need to consider paying a ransom, as you can confidently restore your systems from clean backups.

Geo-Redundancy and Disaster RecoveryAnother aspect of safety that snapshots alone can't adequately address is geo-redundancy and disaster recovery. HYCU allows you to:

  • Replicate backups across different geographical regions
  • Implement a comprehensive disaster recovery strategy
  • Ensure business continuity even in the face of regional outages or natural disasters

2. Surety: Simplifying Complexity and Ensuring Comprehensive Coverage

Managing data protection at scale presents significant challenges, particularly when relying solely on snapshots. The complexity of snapshot management can lead to gaps in coverage and increased risk of human error.

The Snapshot Management ConundrumUsing snapshots as your primary backup method introduces several challenges:

  • Complex Scheduling: Creating an effective snapshot schedule that balances frequency, retention, and resource usage is a complex task.
  • Volume Management: Over time, the number of snapshots can become overwhelming, making it difficult to manage and navigate.
  • Consistency Issues: Ensuring application-consistent snapshots across multiple interconnected systems can be challenging.
  • Recovery Point Objectives (RPO): Achieving fine-grained RPOs with snapshots alone can be resource-intensive and costly.

HYCU's Streamlined Approach HYCU addresses these challenges by offering:

  • Intuitive Policy-Based Management: Easily create and apply backup policies across your environment.
  • Automated Scheduling: Set it and forget it - HYCU handles the complexities of backup scheduling.
  • Application-Aware Backups: Ensure consistency for complex, multi-tiered applications.
  • Granular Recovery Options: Restore individual files, application objects, or entire systems as needed.
  • Flexible RPO and RTO: Achieve your desired Recovery Point Objectives and Recovery Time Objectives without overprovisioning resources.

Comprehensive CoverageWith HYCU, you can be confident that all your critical data and systems are protected:

  • Cross-Platform Protection: Backup not just VMs, but also databases, file shares, and cloud-native services.
  • Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Support: Extend protection across on-premises, Google Cloud, and other public cloud environments.
  • Long-Term Retention: Easily implement retention policies that comply with industry regulations and internal governance requirements.

3. Savings: The Economic Argument for Comprehensive Backup Solutions

While the safety and surety aspects of data protection are crucial, the economic impact of your backup strategy can't be overlooked. Let's break down the cost implications of relying on snapshots versus using a purpose-built backup solution like HYCU.

The Hidden Costs of Snapshot-Based BackupConsider this scenario:

You have a 1TB VM with:

  • 5% daily data churn rate
  • Monthly archiving requirement
  • 1-year retention period

Using snapshots alone, the annual cost for this single VM would be approximately $2,563.

This high cost is due to several factors:

  • Incremental snapshots accumulating over time
  • Storage of redundant data
  • Higher-tier storage costs for frequently accessed snapshots

The HYCU Advantage: A Cost-Effective Approach. Now, let's look at the same scenario using HYCU:

  • Utilize HYCU's cloud-native data protection
  • Store backups in standard tier storage
  • Archive monthly to nearline storage

The total annual cost with HYCU: Approximately $690

This represents a staggering 250% cost savings on backup storage alone.

But the savings don't stop there. Consider these additional economic benefits:

  • Reduced Management Overhead: Simplified backup processes mean less time spent on routine tasks, freeing up IT resources for strategic initiatives.
  • Lower Recovery Costs: Faster, more efficient recoveries minimize downtime and associated costs.
  • Scalability Without Penalty: As your data grows, HYCU's efficient data reduction techniques ensure your costs don't scale linearly.
  • Optimized Cloud Resource Usage: Intelligent scheduling and resource management reduce the impact on your production environment.

Beyond the Numbers: The Strategic Value of Comprehensive Data Protection

While the cost savings are significant, the true value of a solution like HYCU extends beyond mere dollars and cents. Consider these strategic benefits:

1. Risk Mitigation. By implementing a robust backup and recovery solution, you're effectively buying insurance for your data. The potential costs of data loss or extended downtime far outweigh the investment in a comprehensive protection strategy.

2. Compliance and Governance. Many industries are subject to strict data protection and retention regulations. HYCU helps ensure compliance with features like:

  • Immutable backups
  • Flexible retention policies
  • Detailed audit logs

3. Operational Efficiency. Time saved on backup management and faster recovery processes translate to improved overall IT efficiency. This allows your team to focus on initiatives that drive business value rather than routine maintenance.

4. Scalability and Future-Proofing. As your organization grows and evolves, HYCU grows with you:

  • Easily protect new workloads and services
  • Adapt to changing compliance requirements
  • Leverage new cloud technologies without compromising data protection

5. Peace of Mind. Perhaps the most intangible but valuable benefit is the confidence that comes from knowing your data is truly protected. This assurance allows leadership to make bold decisions and pursue innovative strategies without the constant worry of data vulnerability.

Putting It All Together: The Case for Comprehensive Data Protection

While Google Snapshots serve a purpose in the data protection ecosystem, relying on them as your sole backup strategy exposes your organization to unnecessary risk and hidden costs. By implementing a purpose-built solution like HYCU, you gain:

  • Enhanced security against modern threats like ransomware
  • Simplified management and assured comprehensive coverage
  • Significant cost savings on storage and operational expenses
  • Strategic advantages in risk mitigation, compliance, and operational efficiency

The Next Steps: Evaluating Your Data Protection Strategy

As you consider the points raised in this article, we encourage you to take a critical look at your current data protection strategy:

  1. Assess Your Current Risk: Evaluate the potential impact of data loss or extended downtime on your operations.
  2. Review Compliance Requirements: Ensure your current approach meets all relevant regulatory standards.
  3. Calculate Total Cost of Ownership: Look beyond just storage costs to include management time and potential recovery expenses.
  4. Consider Future Growth: How will your data protection needs evolve as your organization grows and adopts new technologies?

We're Here to Help

Navigating the complexities of data protection in the cloud era can be challenging. At HYCU, we're committed to helping organizations like yours maximize the value of their cloud investments while ensuring the safety and availability of critical data.

If you're interested in learning more about how HYCU can help you optimize your data protection strategy across on-premises and public cloud environments like Google Cloud, we'd love to continue the conversation. Reach out to us at info@hycu.com for a personalized consultation or to arrange a demonstration of our solutions in action.

Remember, in the world of data protection, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Don't wait for a data disaster to reconsider your backup strategy – take action today to ensure the safety, surety, and savings that come with comprehensive data protection.

Shive Raja Headshot

SVP of Product

Subbiah Sundaram is the SVP, Product at HYCU. Subbiah spearheads product management, product marketing, alliances, sales engineering, and customer success with more than 20 years' experience delivering best-in-class multi-cloud data protection and on-premises solutions. A Kellogg Management School MBA graduate, Subbiah has worked with leading companies such as EMC, NetApp, Veritas, BMC, CA, and DataGravity.

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