
Preparing For The Future Of Work: Simon Taylor of HYCU On The Top Five Trends To Watch In The Future Of Work

The rise of employee choice — In today’s hiring market, employees have a number of choices regarding where and how they work, and they aren’t afraid to leverage it. A recent survey...

The rise of employee choice — In today’s hiring market, employees have a number of choices regarding where and how they work, and they aren’t afraid to leverage it. A recent survey showed that 58% of employees would “absolutely” look for a new job if they couldn’t continue to work remotely.

The rise of employee choice — In today’s hiring market, employees have a number of choices regarding where and how they work, and they aren’t afraid to leverage it. A recent survey showed that 58% of employees would “absolutely” look for a new job if they couldn’t continue to work remotely.

The rise of employee choice — In today’s hiring market, employees have a number of choices regarding where and how they work, and they aren’t afraid to leverage it. A recent survey showed that 58% of employees would “absolutely” look for a new job if they couldn’t continue to work remotely.

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