
Cloud Backup Ultimately Requires a Cloud Native Architecture

Anytime I hear a single approach or methodology promoted as working equally well in all circumstances I become leery. For example, general purpose cloud providers recommend the best way to move on-premise applications to the cloud is adopting “lift-and-shift”. Using this technique, organizations harness the power of the cloud to optimize applications once they host them there.

Anytime I hear a single approach or methodology promoted as working equally well in all circumstances I become leery. For example, general purpose cloud providers recommend the best way to move on-premise applications to the cloud is adopting “lift-and-shift”. Using this technique, organizations harness the power of the cloud to optimize applications once they host them there.

Anytime I hear a single approach or methodology promoted as working equally well in all circumstances I become leery. For example, general purpose cloud providers recommend the best way to move on-premise applications to the cloud is adopting “lift-and-shift”. Using this technique, organizations harness the power of the cloud to optimize applications once they host them there.

Anytime I hear a single approach or methodology promoted as working equally well in all circumstances I become leery. For example, general purpose cloud providers recommend the best way to move on-premise applications to the cloud is adopting “lift-and-shift”. Using this technique, organizations harness the power of the cloud to optimize applications once they host them there.

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